понедельник, 22 февраля 2010 г.

Hawaiian Exotics...

The U.S. could be hardly called an exotic country. However, one of its states - Hawaii - the realm of a true exotic: palm trees, unusual flowers and an indescribable feeling of relaxation and bliss, as if spilled in the local air.
Hawaiian exotics - perhaps the most pleasant in the world to holidayers. Firstly, its American that is, a high level of hotels and service. Secondly, American quite low prices (hols here are cheaper than, let's say, on the island of Tahiti, located in the same climatic region). Thirdly, a very convenient way - a huge choice of flights of different airlines.

Perhaps one of the main advantages of the Hawaiian islands is their diversity. They vary in terrain, vegetation, population, urbanization (if it is a term generally applied to Hawaii - in the strict sense of the word can only be called the city of Honolulu, the state capital). As a result, and ways to rest on the islands are quite varied.


The Hawaiian Islands are one of the U.S. states with capital Honolulu. This is the largest archipelago in Polynesia, consisting of 24 islands, stretching from north-west to south-east more than 3600 km.

All of the largest islands: Hawaii, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Oahu are mountainous and small. The north-west of the atolls of the Hawaiian islands are crowned with an underwater volcanic ridge and is the highest active volcanoes on the Earth.

Official language is English. Partly (domestic) remains the Hawaiian language, one of the Polynesian languages.

The most used word in Hawaii - is 'Aloha', which means "hello", "Goodbye" and "I love you" at once.

In the VI-III centuries BC. islands were settled by Polynesians. In 1778, the Hawaiian Islands visited the Englishman James Cook expedition, who named them Sandwich Islands. Cook was killed in a duel with a local leader, and then his body was divided into pieces and eaten, because it was thought that the flesh of the enemy gives the strength. The end of XIX century, Hawaii was a kingdom. In 1893, Queen Liliuokalani lost the throne in 1994 and in was formed Republic of Hawaii. In the United States annexed the Hawaiian Islands. In 1959 Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the USA.

Oahu is the most populated island of the Hawaiian Islands. The state capital Honolulu and the famous Waikiki Beach is placed there. In Honolulu, the Hawaiian kings retained Iolani Palace with the statue of Kamehameha, the founder of the royal dynasty. On Oahu is a naval base of Pearl Harbor that December 7, 1941 without a declaration of war planes bombed a Japanese aircraft carriers. On that day, President Roosevelt announced the U.S. entry into World War II.

On the Hawaii Island, the largest of the Hawaiian Islands, there are active volcanoes Mauna Loa and Kilauea, and the extinct volcano Mauna Kea.

The main cities of the island - Kona and Hilo. Hilo interesting to visit the Lyman Museum, which exhibited the works of Hawaiian culture. Hawaii are famous for beautiful beaches. This is a wonderful place for diving and windsurfing.

понедельник, 15 февраля 2010 г.

Interesting facts about the Great Lakes

Great Lakes, known around the world, form the largest reserves of fresh water worldwide. The volume of fresh water, which is "stored" in the Great Lakes, is one-fifth of the total volume of fresh water of the planet. The origins of the beautiful Great Lakes beginning in the mid-continent, over 3 800 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean, the river Seen Lawrence. Ecological system of the Great Lakes region supports one of the richest and most exclusive areas of the world. However, the man got here and, therefore, a change in the environment affected and this unique ecological system. That's why - because of the fact that the Great Lakes - is the largest repository of fresh water on the planet, but also because of the Great Lakes greatest threat looming on the governmental level between 2 countries - the United States and Canada, it was decided to adopt measures to reduce human impact on this segment of the environment. One of the paragraphs of the decision was the fact that you must change the way in which we live, and also consider other ways to trade, rather, delivery of goods for further trade.

In the "magnificent five" five most important lakes are lakes such as Lake Superior, Lake Erie, Michigan, Huron and Lake Ontario.

We are accustomed with the fact that most shipwrecks occur in the ocean. The causes of the catastrophe are as a rule, storms, icebergs and coral reefs. However, those who live near the Great Lakes region, not hearsay and are familiar with storms, and with the mysterious waves, and even ... with its own "version of" Flying Dutchman.

Storms on the Great Lakes -is a phenomenon of the same order as the storms in small seas. But they are much less frequently reported in the newspapers, and only some of the most famous disaster in the fall with breaking news, major newspapers. According to latest figures provided by American divers at the bottom of the Great Lakes region lies between six and ten thousand shipwrecked vessels. Every year this list is replenished found a dozen ships. It is possible to identify about one in 5 - water and time are not spared logbooks or buildings.

In September 18, 1679 in Niagara Falls (New York) had to come the ship "Griffon", belonging to the French traveler Rene Robert, the Chevalier de La Salle. This ship was built here, and it was well aware of the local residents. When it became clear that the "Griffon" is delayed, at first no one gave it special attention - the ships often got out of the schedule for several hours. But because the ship hasn't appeared either in a day or a week later, it became clear that there was another shipwreck. Witness the tragedy on the "Griffon" is not found, he simply disappeared. Its wreckage was found and identified only in 1955. But this is not the strangest thing. Many unfamiliar with each other people say that in foggy night "Griffon" is often seen quietly sailing on Lake Huron. At night it is impossible to discern all the details of its equipment, but the outlines of the vessel is easily recognizable.

With similar ghost ship on the Great Lakes have become accustomed. References to them can be found in the chronicles relating to the middle of XVII century. For example, in New Haven (Conn.) in 1648, many people at once saw ghost ship. And it is not just sailed past, and showed the astonished spectators shipwreck scene. This outstanding event has been interpreted as a sign sent down by God, throws light on the mystery of the death of one of the missing ships. However, those who faced the ghost ship, noted that they often depict scenes of his collapse, repeating them at each meeting with the observers.

Jay Gouli, who wrote a book about the mysteries of the Great Lakes region, described the disaster that has occurred with the cargo vessel «Sames E. Davidson» displacement of six thousand tons. If the disappearance of ships plied the waters of the Great Lakes region in the XVII century. Can be explained by their technical deficiencies and lack of meteorological stations, the loss of a modern cargo ship seems inexplicable. Wave effortlessly destroyed vessel capable of withstanding an ocean storm. Its power must be enormous!

Even more puzzling is that over the Great Lakes are missing aircrafts. Above the lake are more crashes than tabove he rest of the surrounding area. This area is gradually becoming the glory of the anomalous zone, no less famous than the Bermuda Triangle.

понедельник, 8 февраля 2010 г.

4. James Madison, 1809-1817

James Madison, 1809-1817

Being the president, he has forbidden any relations with Britain and France until the abolishment of regulations that impeded trade with them neutral countries. When the French government abolished its restricting orders, Madison gave permission to trade with France, but upheld the ban in relation to England. This has led to war with Britain in 1812, the war, which caused heavy losses to the U.S. economy.

The lowest U.S. president - his height was only 163 centimeters.

# 3. Thomas Jefferson 1801 - 1809

Thomas Jefferson 1801 - 1809

Author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), 3 rd president of the USA in 1801-1809, one of the founding fathers of this state, a prominent politician, diplomat and philosopher of the Enlightenment. One of the main events of his presidency,  successful for thecountry,was buying from Luiziana from France (1803) and Lewis and Clark expedition (1804-1806).

# 2. John Adams 1797 - 1801

John Adams 1797 - 1801

Adams became the first host of the White House (then still not named so) which was built during his presidency.

понедельник, 1 февраля 2010 г.

# 1. George Washington (1789-1797)

George Washington (1789-1797)

First. U.S. President George Washington - the only president who received 100% of electoral votes. He also became the first president whose image fell on a postage stamp.

One of the richest U.S. presidents - the state of Washington (plantations, real estate, etc.) can be estimated at 900 million at current exchange rate.

- the symbol of freedom and democracy...


Statue of Liberty (English Statue of Liberty, the full name - Liberty, illuminating the world, English. Liberty Enlightening the World) - one of the most famous sculptures in the United States and the world, often called "the symbol of New York and the U.S.", "symbol of freedom and democracy, "" Lady Liberty ". This is a gift of French citizens to the centennial of the American Revolution.

Statue of Liberty is on Liberty Island (born Liberty Island), about 3 km south-west of the southern tip of Manhattan, one of the boroughs of New York. Until 1956 the island was called "island Bedlou" (born Bedloe's Island), though popularly called the "island of freedom" since the beginning of XX century.

Goddess of Liberty holds a torch in his right hand and a plate on the left. The inscription on the plate reads "English. JULY IV MDCCLXXVI »(« July 4, 1776 "), date of signing of the Declaration of Independence. One foot "Freedom" is on the broken chains.

Visitors are coming up to 356 steps to the crown of the statue of liberty or 192 steps to the top of the pedestal. In the corona, there are 25 windows, which symbolize the earthly and heavenly gems rays illuminate the world. The seven rays on the crown of the statue symbolize the seven seas and seven continents (the western geographical tradition has it the 7 continents).

The total weight of copper, used for tide statue - 31 ton, and the total weight of its steel structure - 125 tons. The total weight of the cement foundation - 27 thousand tons. The thickness of the copper covering of the statue - 2,37 mm. Height from ground to tip of torch - 93 meters, including base and pedestal. Height of the statue, from the top of the pedestal to the torch - 46 meters.

The statue was constructed of thin sheets of copper, minted in wooden forms. The formed sheets were then mounted on a steel frame. The idea of creating a statue of the centenary of American independence, noted in 1876, attributed to the French writer Edouard de Laboulaye, believing that a prisoner in 1778, the alliance between France and the United States should properly immortalized. Eiffel brilliantly developed the iron skeleton, and Bartholdy "dressed" in his forged copper sheets 3 mm thick, fixed to the frame bolts.

On the ferry going to the Liberty Island, almost always worth all, and even more foremost within the statue, so the elevator can accommodate only a few people (there are stairs). The observation deck at the top of the pedestal is located at a height of 10-storey building, and there could clearly see all the landmarks of the surrounding area. The most energetic and physically fit can climb another 12 floors (168 steps) to the crown, but the torch lifted up to 93 m above sea level, is open to visitors.